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Activating your Brightspace Course for Students
Brightspace courses are created and set to inactive to allow faculty to build content prior to making courses available to students. When you are ready to make your course available to students, you
Knowledge Base Editor Guide
Instructions on how to review and edit Knowledge Base articles. ... Knowledge Base Editor Guide , or reach out to us and we’ll work with you on how to make any necessary updates. Once you've completed your edits and the article is up to date and accurate, please reply to
Information Access & Data Support
Request support or report an error related to Argos, Bear Intelligence, Bear Finance, or other university data and reporting tools. ... report-setup ... are public webpages that link to existing Argos datablocks and reports that are frequently used. These are set up for ease of access and convenience, but if they do not contain the data you are looking
Loading Courses in Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys
This guide will show you how to load courses into projects on Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys for online evaluations. ... This guide will show you how to load courses into Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys projects for online evaluation.
Step-by-Step Guide
How to Load Courses in Watermark Course Evaluations
Transitioning to Brightspace Checklist
Rubrics were migrated and settings confirmed.
Surveys and/or Self-assessments were migrated properly, and all settings confirmed.
Groups have been set up to match how they were used in Blackboard
Budget Buy Hardware Purchasing Guide
requisitions or payment requests for purchases of new hardware and software are required to be reviewed, approved, and documented by the Office of Information Services. Documentation must be submitted with the
Campus Standard Devices and Specifications
) $190
If you plan to use external monitors for extended display, this dock will allow to hook up laptop to single or dual monitors and great for transferring laptop from office to remote work.
Software License Request - SAS
Faculty and students can install SAS on university owned or personally owned computers.
The license only allows the SAS software to be outside the United States for up to three months
How to Install Microsoft Project or Microsoft Visio From Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching
A guide on how students can download and get a key for copies of Microsoft Project or Microsoft Visio through Microsoft's Azure Dev Tools for Teaching ... course will have access to this software. If you find you do not have access to it, please ensure the course is currently in progress.
Please ensure you have the same version of Office365
Software License Request - Zoom
distance-education ... kinds of Zoom accounts, Basic Zoom and Licensed Zoom. Please indicate which type of account you are requesting on the Request Form.
Basic Zoom accounts allow you to:
Host up to 100
Notifications for Brightspace
By default you will only receive certain types of notifications in the form of emails. The default notifications are set up to be beneficial for most users. However, if you have different preferences
Requesting a Brightspace Source Course, Sandbox, or Community Site
be requested through our custom interface. Each type of shell has the same features available, but they will show up on different tabs in Brightspace to differentiate the purpose of the course.
Transfer Credit Re-Evaluation & Preapproval (TCRP) System
Information about how to use TCRP by role ... Undergraduate Transfer Credit Requests
Department Requests - Department options will be restricted to those in which you are an Approver.
Education Abroad Requests
General Education Requests
Admin Banner - Navigation Basics
your Banner username and password (e.g. BBEAR), sign in using your MSU login credentials (e.g. First time users, set up your authentication options by going to
Navigate and Customize Your My Grizzly Den
A students guide on how to navigate and customize your My Grizzly Den portal. ... Welcome to My Grizzly Den! The information on this page will help you learn how to navigate and customize your My Grizzly Den portal.
If you have questions or need help, contact the Help Desk