Welcome to My Missouri State! The information on this page will help you learn how to navigate and customize your My Missouri State portal.
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- You'll see that the information is organized by cards and there are several default cards displayed on your home page (dashboard).

- At the top of your home page, you will see any system announcements that are posted for the Missouri State community.

- Below the announcements, you will find the resource cards. You can decide which default cards you want to keep and which ones you'd like to remove.

- To rearrange cards, drag and drop the cards in the order you prefer.

- To remove a card from your home page, select the bookmark icon at the top right of the card.

- The card will be removed from your home page and a message will display on the right side of your screen confirming the change; you can also choose to undo the removal if you made a mistake. The card will still be available by searching and can be added back to your home page at any time.

NOTE: If a new default card is added to My Missouri State, it will appear as the first card on your home page. Occasionally, default cards will also be edited/updated as information changes, and that will also make them reappear on your Home page. You can choose to remove these default cards by selecting the bookmark icon.
Searching for Cards and Links
You can easily explore other cards that are available to you either by category or name.
Click on the main menu, the three lines in the upper left corner of the Home page.

From this menu, you can navigate card categories for cards that are the most relevant to you.

- Click on the main menu in the upper left corner of the Home page and select the Discover link, or scroll all the way to the bottom of your home page and select the DISCOVER MORE button.

- To search for specific cards, you can type keywords into the Find cards search box at the top left of the page. As you type, you will see suggested cards associated with the search term(s).

- If the card suggestions don't bring up what you are looking for, click Enter/Return on your keyboard to search for all cards related to your search term(s). You can then choose to sort the cards from A-Z, by relevance to your search term(s), by cards you have previously saved, or by the newest cards available.

- When you locate a card that you want to use, you can either choose to interact with it directly from the Discover page or you can save it to your home page by selecting the bookmark icon on the top right of the card.

- Cards that are saved to your dashboard will appear every time you log in. As new cards are added, they will appear at the beginning of your cards. You can rearrange them by dragging and dropping the cards in a different order.
Customizable Cards - To-Do List and Web Links
These cards can be personalized to make your My Missouri State homepage more efficient for your specific needs.
Use the To-Do List card to keep a short task list and set reminders. Click the "+" and type the task, then check off when the task is completed. Click on the three dots next to any listed task to Edit the task. Click the three dots on the right corner of the card to find completed tasks.

Use the Web Links card to keep your often-used websites and applications close at hand. Click the "+" and paste the URL link to any website or application. You can name the link with any title that makes sense to you. Click on the three dots next to any listed link to Edit the link or link name.

NOTE: If you remove these cards from your home page, any customized lists you have created will be lost. You can start building your lists again by adding the cards back to your home page.
To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.