Search19 Results

Services or Offerings?
Report and issue or a submit a suggestion for the Service Portal page, Service Catalog, or Knowledge Base.

Request assistance or report an error with the My Missouri State portal.

Faculty and other users responsible for the management of LMS courses may request support.

If you need help and the Service Catalog or Knowledge Base have not provided a resolution, submit a request for help.

Students may request support for Learning Management System issues.

Request support or report an error related to Argos, Bear Intelligence, Bear Finance, or general requests for data and reports.

Problems with your account, such as password problems, username problems, login problems, etc.

Request a Microsoft Stream group for a class.

Select this option for support with Zoom video conferencing.

Services related to the procurement of university computer hardware.

Request additional print pages to print to residence hall front desks printers.

Services related to the secure preparation and surplus disposal process of computer hardware

Problems related to the initial activation of your MSU Account

Support for University wireless networks.

Request a license for Zoom video conferencing software.