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    Services or Offerings?
    Request academic software support for university-owned and personal computers.

    Request access to a Missouri State system or application.

    Services related to the Pro Tools labs (STRO-0112, STRO-0114, STRO-0137) and management of the Avid Pro Tools software in the Advanced Editing Lab (CRAG-0319) or other specialized computer audio installations across the college

    Request an account to the Brightspace LMS.

    Services related to the media, journalism, and film equipment labs (CRAG-0317, STRO-0111) and the loaning, procuring, and repairing of the department’s broadcast audiovisual equipment

    Services related to the installation, maintenance, and in-class support of the Instructional TV Studio and Control Room (STRO-0150, STRO-0151) in the media, journalism, and film department and the specialized computers, broadcast audiovisual equipment, inter-cable network, and infrastructure housed therein

    Request access to the CHPA departmental file shares or request access to the shared network printers.

    Software request for COB Classrooms/Labs

    This request is to be used to seek help when anything on a university-owned computer is broken or not working correctly and you need assistance from your IT Support group. It is used to report anything broken involving All-In-One, Desktop, Laptop, and Tablets computers, as well as their operating systems and university-provided applications and software.

    Services related to the Computer Animation Lab (BRK1-0308) and/or the computer animation rendering system managed by the art and design department

    For assistance with Office 365 email and calendar issues (desktop/lap, web, or mobile apps).

    Faculty and other users responsible for the management of LMS courses may request support.