Search32 Results

Services or Offerings?
If you need help and the Service Catalog or Knowledge Base have not provided a resolution, submit a request for help.

Get help accessing your MSU Libraries Patron Account.

Get information or help with the self checkout kiosk or mobile checkout app.

Get help with accessing the patron ILL system to create new ILL requests or view status on existing requests.

For assistance with Office 365 email and calendar issues (desktop/lap, web, or mobile apps).

Get help accessing online journals, databases, and other resources provided by the Library.

Request help with ordering computer parts and accessories

Help with the procurement, licensing, and deployment of Microsoft software

Request help with VPN/Remote Access.

Request Qualtrics help and support

Getting help with online evaluations using EvaluationKIT

Request help with issues related to the Class Dashboard.

Select this option for help with Turning Technologies clickers

This request is to be used to seek help when anything on a university-owned computer is broken or not working correctly and you need assistance from your IT Support group. It is used to report anything broken involving All-In-One, Desktop, Laptop, and Tablets computers, as well as their operating systems and university-provided applications and software.

This request is to be used to seek help when university-owned/leased networked printers and multi-function printers/copiers are not working correctly and you need assistance from your IT Support group.