Search9 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request a license for Foxit PDF editing software.

Request help with issues related to the Class Dashboard.

Request assistance or report an error with Watermark Course Evaluations & Surverys, formerly EvaluationKIT.

Full-time University employees may request a DHCP reservation or static IP for their server or other networked equipment.

Get support from the Management Information Systems (MIS) team in Computer Services for Banner products, custom applications, data reporting, and more.

Supervisors and administrative assistants can request IT services and access for a new employee.

Request support or report an error related to Argos, Bear Intelligence, Bear Finance, or general requests for data and reports.

Services related to the procurement of university computer software.

If your area does not have a CAMS group manager, select this option to request the new employee have access to departmental/shared mailboxes, email distribution lists, and/or network folders like Clementine or Bear1.