Account and Access Lifecycle

This article outlines access to resources after departure from the University. You can also see Resources for Former Students and Employees for access to records and other services you might need after leaving the university. 

Please Note: This article documents current practice for most accounts and access. Individual circumstances may vary, and changes to current practice may occur in the future.

Students and Alumni

How long students have access to these resources after leaving the university.

My Missouri State Portal
Missouri State Email
Blackboard Learning Management System
Microsoft 365 and OneDrive

Staff and Staff Emeritus

How long will departing staff have access to these resources after leaving the university.

My Missouri State Portal
Missouri State Email
Microsoft 365 and OneDrive

Faculty and Faculty Emeritus

How long will departing faculty have access to these resources after leaving the university.

My Missouri State Portal
Missouri State Email
Blackboard Learning Management System
Microsoft 365 and OneDrive

Related University Policies

Op12.02-1 Acceptable Use

Op12.07-4 Employee Information Access Policy

G7.02-6 Benefits

G3.03 Faculty Handbook

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