This article outlines access to resources after departure from the University. You can also see Resources for Former Students and Employees for access to records and other services you might need after leaving the university.
Please Note: This article documents current practice for most accounts and access. Individual circumstances may vary, and changes to current practice may occur in the future.
Students and Alumni
How long students have access to these resources after leaving the university.
My Missouri State Portal
Missouri State alumni and departing students can log into My Missouri State and access self-service resource links. You will not see all resources available to current students.
See Resources for Former Students and Employees to access to records and other services you might need after leaving the university.
Missouri State Email
Missouri State alumni and departing students have access to their Missouri State Email indefinitely. Sign in at
Blackboard Learning Management System
Access to Blackboard courses and materials expired May 31, 2024. All Missouri State faculty and students will use Brightspace instead.
Microsoft 365 and OneDrive
Other than the Outlook WebApp, Microsoft web and desktop apps are removed as of graduation or the end of the last semester attended, including access to OneDrive, Teams and shared documents.
Staff and Staff Emeritus
How long will departing staff have access to these resources after leaving the university.
My Missouri State Portal
Departing employees can log into My Missouri State and access self-service resource links for 90 Days after after their separation date. You will not see all resources available to current employees. Elevated or administrative access is removed for all departing employees on their separation date.
See Resources for Former Students and Employees to access to records and other services you might need after leaving the university.
Missouri State Email
Departing employees have access to their Missouri State email for 90 days from their separation date.
Departing employees with Staff Emeritus status will retain access to their Missouri State email indefinitely. For questions about Staff Emeritus status, contact the Office of Human Resources.
Microsoft 365 and OneDrive
OneDrive and SharePoint access is removed as of date of separation, including access to Teams and shared documents. Once resigned, access to Teams will be immediate.
Departing employees can access all other Microsoft 365 apps for 90 day from their separation date.
Faculty and Faculty Emeritus
How long will departing faculty have access to these resources after leaving the university.
My Missouri State Portal
Departing faculty can log into My Missouri State and access self-service resource links for 18 months after after their separation date. You will not see all resources available to current faculty or employees. Elevated or administrative access is removed for all departing employees on their separation date.
Departing employees with Staff Emeritus status will retain access to their Missouri State email indefinitely. For questions about Staff Emeritus status, contact the Office of Human Resources.
See Resources for Former Students and Employees to access to records and other services you might need after leaving the university.
Missouri State Email
Departing faculty have access to their Missouri State email for 90 days from their separation date.
Departing faculty with Faculty Emeritus status will retain access to their Missouri State email indefinitely. For questions about Faculty Emeritus status, contact your department or the Office of the Provost.
Blackboard Learning Management System
Access to Blackboard courses and materials expired May 31, 2024.
The Class Dashboard is available through the academic year after the your last teaching assignment.
Microsoft 365 and OneDrive
OneDrive and SharePoint access is removed as of date of separation, including access to Teams and shared documents.
Departing employees can access all other Microsoft 365 apps for 90 day from their separation date.
Related University Policies
Op12.02-1 Acceptable Use
Op12.07-4 Employee Information Access Policy
G7.02-6 Benefits
G3.03 Faculty Handbook