Search16 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request an MSU account for a non-paid university guest.

Get help accessing your MSU Libraries Patron Account.

Problems with your account, such as password problems, username problems, login problems, etc.

Problems related to the initial activation of your MSU Account

New or Incoming Employees can use this form to report issues with their new Employee Missouri State Account.

Request additional print pages to print to residence hall front desks printers.

Charge additional BearPrint printing to your BearBucks account

Request a license for Zoom video conferencing software.

Request assistance or report an error with the My Missouri State portal.

For assistance with Office 365 email and calendar issues (desktop/lap, web, or mobile apps).

Request Qualtrics help and support

Get information or help with the self checkout kiosk or mobile checkout app.

Large-Format Printing in the Open-Access Library Computer Lab.

Get support from the Management Information Systems (MIS) team in Computer Services for Banner products, custom applications, data reporting, and more.

Request a Zoom Basic account for Zoom video conferencing software.