Search17 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request specialized software for classroom instructor stations or computer classroom.

Request to purchase non-standard hardware or third-party software applications or systems.

Services related to the procurement of university computer hardware.

Services related to the procurement of university computer software.

Large-Format Printing in the Open-Access Library Computer Lab.

Access to the MSU and MSU Residential networks are intended for students, faculty and staff.

Home Device Access is designed for connecting home-class devices with limited access.

Sponsored Access is available only for guests of the university who have full-time MSU employees to sponsor their activities and access.

Open Access appears in limited locations and is designed for prospective students and their families.

Details on wireless expansion such as how much it costs and how to request coverage in your area.

Services related to the secure preparation and surplus disposal process of computer hardware

Voice services offered at MSU.

Consultation on the installation of new services or determining if a new system will work on the MSU network.

Purchase campus standard hardware or other devices via budget transfer.