How to Find Your Computer Name in Windows or macOS

Finding your computer name is quick and simple, and it can be very helpful for many support reasons.


Please Note: For quick access, press Windows Key + Pause Break. This should show the computer's system properties in any version of Windows.

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Find Your Computer Name in Windows

  1. Right-click the Start button.
    The Windows 10 Start Button
  2. Select System.
    system option highlighted
  3. Use the following image to locate the computer's name under the section for "Device specifications".
    device name is highlighted under device specifications



Use this guide when needing to identify your computer across a network. These instructions should work similarly with recent versions of macOS, though the naming conventions might be different. This guide was created using macOS Mojave.

Step-by-Step Guide


How to Find Your Computer Name in macOS 


  1. Click on the Apple logo in the top left corner, and select System Preferences.
    The Apple Logo menu with System Preferences highlighted
  2. Select Sharing.
    The Systems Preferences window with the Sharing button highlighted
  3. The Computer Name will be listed at the top of the screen.
    The Sharing window with the Computer Name field highlighted


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