The following instructions will assist existing AppMan users with installing AppMan PROD. New AppMan users will need to request access before following these steps.
If you do not have Java/OpenJDK installed, please consult the Java installation instructions.
Creating File Folders Before Installation
Before you install AppMan PROD, you will need to create a new folder on your computer to hold the program’s files.
First, navigate to your computer’s Users folder, and create a new folder titled APPWORX. Then within that folder make another folder called APPMANPROD. These steps will walk you through this process.
- Click the Windows Start button.

- Click File Explorer.

- In the directory box on the top of the File Explorer, type C:\Users\MSUID then hit enter on your keyboard.
Please Note: Where the text says
MSUID, you will type your
Missouri State Account ID. Do not type "MSUID" or "abc123" as shown in the image below. They are only placeholders for your personal account information.

- Right click somewhere in the white space of the page. Make sure that you are not clicking a file that already exists, as this will not give you the option to create a new file. You many need to increase the size of your window if you cannot click without hovering over a file.
- From the context menu, hover over New, then click Folder.

- Once the folder is created, you can immediately rename it. Name this folder APPWORX, then create one inside it called APPMANPROD. Open this folder and leave it open for the next steps.
Downloading AppMan PROD
Next, you will download the AppMan PROD files and move them from a zip file into the new APPMANPROD folder you just created.
- Navigate to the My Missouri State portal, locate the Enterprise Software card.
- Click the AppMan link. This will redirect you to the download page.

- Click Download the Applications Manager Client.

- Once downloaded, access the file in your default downloads location. This is usually the downloads Downloads folder, which can be directly accessed through the Windows Search feature. Simply search for Downloads and click the top result.

- Open the zip file titled Client.

- Click the Client folder once to select it, then click and drag the Client folder into the APPMANPROD folder from the previous section.

Create a Desktop Shortcut
Creating a shortcut for the program will allow you to open the program without navigating to this folder.
- In the APPMANPROD file folder, open the Client folder, then right click the RunClient file.
- From the context menu, click Show More Options.
- Hover over Send To and click Desktop (create shortcut).

You will now be able to open Appman PROD using the desktop shortcut.

Once opened, you will sign into the program with your Missouri State Account information.