Installation Instructions for Java

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Update Your Java Installation

Before users can install AppMan PROD, they will need to first uninstall previous versions of Java on their device and install OpenJDK instead.

  1. On your PC,  and using a browser of your choice navigate to the zulu JDK installer and select Download.

Zulu JDK download screen

  1. In your Downloads directory double click the zulu17.40.19-ca-jdk17.0.6-win_x64.msi installer.
  2. In the Welcome Screen select Next.
    Azul welcome screen
  3. In the Custom Setup Window, click the Set Java Home dropdown and select Entire feature will be installed and click Next.
    Custom setup window
  4. In the Ready to Install window, select Install.
    Ready to install window
  5. You will receive a confirmation to allow changes and to confirm the installation. Select Yes.
    Allow changes and confirm install window

  6. In the Azul installation completion window select Finish.
    Azul installation complete window

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