Software License Transfer Request - Adobe

Purchased Adobe software can be transferred as needed such as when you get a new computer or have staffing changes in your campus office.

Adobe VIP Named-User licenses

Adobe named-user license subscriptions are assigned to the user, not a computer. These licenses can also be reassigned to other users when necessary. Use this service ticket form to request transfer of an Adobe named-user license to a different user. We need to know the old and new user names.

Adobe VIP Shared Device licenses and Adobe CLP licenses

Adobe shared device license subscriptions are assigned to a shared, University-owned computer. The software can be re-deployed to a new computer when necessary. The same is true of Adobe CLP licensed software (generally Adobe Acrobat Pro) assigned to single-user, University-owned computers as long as the software version is not considered end-of-life. Use this service ticket to request transfer of Adobe software from one computer to another. We need to know the old and new computer names. (You can search "About PC" to find the device name in Windows.)

Request Transfer

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