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    Services or Offerings?
    Request a PC SAS license for academic, non-commercial use.

    Request an SPSS license, or a renewal license code, for academic, non-commercial use on personally-owned devices.

    All services related to the procurement, licensing, and deployment of Adobe software

    Request a license for Foxit PDF editing software.

    Request an Adobe software license transfer from user or device.

    Request to purchase non-standard hardware or third-party software applications or systems.

    Report a problem or error with a third-party vendor software, such as Argos, Dynamic Forms, RMS, Brightspace, Watermark, Slate, AppMan, etc.

    Do you have a business process, a reoccurring task, or problem that a new IT solution could solve? Request a consult with MIS staff on the best solution for your needs.

    Put in a purchase request for Adobe software for a new employee.