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Services or Offerings?
Request access to the CHPA departmental file shares or request access to the shared network printers.

Home Device Access is designed for connecting home-class devices with limited access.

Sponsored Access is available only for guests of the university who have full-time MSU employees to sponsor their activities and access.

Open Access appears in limited locations and is designed for prospective students and their families.

Access to the MSU and MSU Residential networks are intended for students, faculty and staff.

Request access to a Missouri State system or application.

Get help accessing your MSU Libraries Patron Account.

Get help with accessing the patron ILL system to create new ILL requests or view status on existing requests.

Request support or report an error related to Argos, Bear Intelligence, Bear Finance, or general requests for data and reports.


Get help accessing online journals, databases, and other resources provided by the Library.

Supervisors and administrative assistants can request IT services and access for a new employee.