How to Add or Change Advisors in Admin Banner

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More than one advisor can be listed, but only one advisor should be checked under the Primary Indicator. Only the Primary Advisor will be visible to students through Self-Service Banner.

Step-by-Step Guide

Entering Student and Term Information

  1. Log into My Missouri State and search for the Enterprise Software card.
  2. Click the Admin Banner link.Enterprise Software Card
  3. On the Welcome page, type SGAADVR and then press Enter or Tab to go to the Multiple Advisors page.
  4. Enter the student's M number into the ID field, beginning with the capital letter M, and press Enter or Tab on your keyboard. The student's name will automatically fill with the corresponding student name.
  5. In the Term field, type the academic term and Enter
    1. Examples: 2018209 = Spring 2018, 201830 = Summer 2018, 201840 = Fall 2018
  6. Click Next Section or Go.
    Go button


Adding a New Advisor When No Advisor Exists in Same Term

  1. To enter the new advisor's information, Enter advisor's M Number in the ID field. This field should be highlighted and available for you to enter if no other Advisor is listed.
  2. If you do not know the M Number, you can tab to the Name field and type  all or part of the Advisor name to bring up ID and Name Extended Search. 
    ID and Name Extended search
    1. Press To See Results under the Search Detail heading and then search or scroll to see available Advisors. 
    2. Select Advisor name and click Select, or double-click name, to add Advisor Name to SGAADVR. 
      Extended search results
  3. Enter Advisor Type by either clicking the three dots and  Click the drop-down arrow under Advisor Type, or typing MAJR or SECN in the field. 
    Advisor type text box
  4. Ensure Primary Indicator is checked on the line for the student's primary advisor.
  5. Click Save.
    Primary indicator check box and save button


Adding New Advisor When Advisor Exists in Same Term

If an advisor is already on the form with a ‘From Term’ equal to the Term you are entering, determine if the advisor you are entering is replacing the advisor listed, or is in addition to the advisor listed.

Replacing an Advisor for the Term

  1. To End the current advisor(s) for the listed term, click the Maintenance button.
  2. Click End Advisor in the Option Box. This will take you back to the form. Note that the end term is now the current term. 
  3. Click Start Over to go back to the Keyblock section to select the Term again. Click Go
  4. You will now see the page with the From Term equal to the key block term. 
  5. Enter the new advisor's information.
    1. Enter advisor's M Number in the ID field
    2. If you do not know the M Number, you can tab to the Name field and type  all or part of the Advisor name to bring up ID and Name Extended Search. 
    3. Press To See Results under the Search Detail heading and then search or scroll to see available Advisors. 
    4. Select Advisor name and click Select, or double-click name, to add Advisor Name to SGASSDVR. 
  6. Enter Advsior Type by either clicking the three dots and  Click the drop-down arrow under Advisor Type, or typing MAJR or SECN in the field. 
  7. Ensure Primary Indicator is check on the line for the student's primary advisor. 
  8. Click Save. 

Adding a Secondary or Minor Advisor for the Term

  1. With the advisor ID highlighted, click Insert. 
    1. If Insert does not work, click the Maintenence button and select Copy Advisor. Then click Insert again to make a new line. 
  2. Enter advisor ID or Name on the new line as when no Advisor Exists.
  3. If you are entering a Secondary Major Advisor and the student is double-majoring, select MAJR in the Type Field. 
  4. If the new advisor will be a Secondary or Minor advisor, select or type SECN in the Type Field. 
  5. Ensure Primary Indicator is check on the line for the student's primary advisor. 
  6. Click Save.
Please Note:The student may have one or more Major Advisors and Minor Advisors. However, the student can only have one ‘Primary Advisor’. A Major Advisor should always be selected as Primary Advisor over any other type of advisor.

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.

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