Watermark Faculty Success

Watermark Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures) can be accessed through the My Missouri State portal on the Watermark Faculty Resources card by clicking the Watermark Faculty Success link.

Request Access or Issues with Access: 
If you are having trouble getting access to Watermark Faculty Success you will want to contact your Associate Dean for your specific College. If your College has multiple Associate Deans or you are unsure on who to contact, you will want to talk to the Dean's Executive Assistant.

What is my username?

Your username for Watermark Faculty Success is your Office 365 login email address.

What is my password?

Your password for Watermark Faculty Success is your Office 365 login password.

How do I change an existing password?

To change an existing password, you need to log in to Watermark Faculty Success and then click the "change your password" link which is the second last entry in the left navigation menu.

What is this system used for?

Watermark Faculty Success records faculty's activities and accomplishments, and then allows users to generate reports using that information. For example, a faculty member can generate a vita; a department head, dean, provost, or president can generate reports at the department, college, and university level. 

Why does this appear on my University Portal Page?

The link to Watermark Faculty Success appeared on the Portal Page to make the system easily accessible for faculty.


To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.

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