Course Retention Policy: How to Save a Course or Request Early Removal

Blackboard courses three (3) years and older will be purged by Computer Services on a regular schedule. Faculty can request both early purges for courses at least one (1) year old, and can save a copy of old courses, by following the steps below.

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Save a Copy of a Course Scheduled for Deletion

If your Blackboard course is three years old or more, it will be deleted during the regular course purge completed by Computer Services. The courses included in the purge will be identified with SCHEDULED TO BE DELETED in the course name.

  1. Log in to Blackboard as normal.
  2. Find and enter the course that you would like to save.
  3. In the left Course Management area, click Packages and Utilities.
    Packages and Utilities menu
  4. Click Export/Archive Course
    Export/Archive Course option
  5. Select Export Package
    Export Package button
  6. Select the second option for each prompt under File Attachments.
    File Attachments options
  7. Click Select All to save all areas of the course.
    Select All option under Select Course Materials
  8. Click Submit to create the course export package.
  9. You will receive an email when the package is ready for you to download. When you receive the email, click Refresh on the Export/Archive Course page to view the package file. Do not download the package until you receive the email that it is ready; doing so can result in an incomplete or corrupted course package.
    Refresh button on the Export/Archive Course page
  10. Select or right-click the package name to download it. Save it in a secure place that you will continue to have access to (keep in mind that you will lose access to your university OneDrive, email, and desktop once you are no longer an employee). You can import the course package to another semester course or Master Shell if desired.
    Export File name

Request to Have Your Course Purged Early

Submit a request to the Help Desk to have your course deleted early.

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.


Article ID: 89699
Fri 10/18/19 3:27 PM
Tue 6/15/21 5:44 PM