Brightspace Essentials for Faculty

Minimum Computer Skill Needed to Successfully Use a Learning Management System

Basic Computer Literacy:

  • Ability to operate a computer and use basic software applications (e.g., word processors, spreadsheets, email).
  • Ability to organize and manage digital files
  • Understanding of Internet browsing and online navigation.

Technical Troubleshooting:

  • Basic troubleshooting skills to handle common technical issues.
  • Knowledge of where to find help resources or how to contact support.

Data Privacy and Security

Brightspace Resources

Getting Started

Instructors can easily make changes to their settings for their user profile and notifications. This can be done within their Personal Settings.

Edit User Profile

If instructors need support while using Brightspace, they can easily access the Brightspace Virtual Assistant. This tool allows them to ask questions that will be answered by an AI-based tool that is always available to them.

Creating and Activating Courses

After creating a course, an instructor must activate it to allow students to access course materials.

Making Courses Available to Students

To edit or add content to a course, an instructor must use the Brightspace Editor.

Brightspace Editor: An Overview


Overview of Tools

Instructors have access to various tools to create and edit content, grade students' work, and more.

Visual Tour of the Assignments Tool

File Types Supported by Assignments Tool

Announcements Tool

Quizzes Tool

Discussions Tool

Grades Tool

Classlist Tool

Class Progress Tool

Media Library

Calendar Tool

Instructors can save quiz questions to reuse later on. These questions are saved to the Question Library.

Visual Tour of the Question Library

Instructors can create rubrics to use for grading assignments. This is done with the Rubrics tool.

Visual Tour of the Rubrics Tool

About Rubric Types


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