How to fix "You don't have access to manage apps" in Adobe Creative Cloud

Tags error adobe

Named-user license subscribers of Adobe software may experience the following error while trying to download and install new Adobe software from Adobe Creative Cloud. This is often the case for users with previous Adobe software installed.

"You don't have access to manage apps."
"Permission from your IT administrator may be required to enable apps management."

Screenshot of Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app displaying "You don't have access to manage apps"

To fix

First, confirm the user is signed in with an Adobe ID registered to the exact email address assigned to the named-user license. This information was communicated via service ticket.

If the first suggestion fails to resolve, attempt to enable the Apps tab for the Adobe Creative Cloud app as follows:

  1. Sign out and close/end all Adobe applications and processes running in the background.
  2. Navigate to the following location based on computer platform:
    • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\Configs\
    • Mac: "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/Configs/
  3. Locate the serviceconfig.xml file and drag it to the desktop. (Admin permission required.)
  4. Open the serviceconfig.xml file on the desktop using a text editor such as Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac).
  5. Change the value of AppsPanel from "false" to "true".
  6. Save and close the serviceconfig.xml file, and drag it back to the original folder location. (Admin permission required.)
  7. Restart computer, launch and sign back in to the Adobe Creative Cloud app.

If these suggestions fail to resolve the issue, please contact the Help Desk for further assistance.

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.

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Article ID: 140781
Thu 7/28/22 11:42 AM
Tue 8/22/23 5:28 PM

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