How to Use Blackboard Grade Center Download for Faculty Grade Entry

Faculty can use a download of the Blackboard Grade Center to upload grades into the Faculty Grade Entry application in Banner. However, specific data elements, or Excel columns, are needed to successfully complete the process. Follow the guide below to download the Blackboard Grade Center and to format the Excel spreadsheet to upload to the Faculty Grade Entry system. 

If at any point you have questions during the grading process, you are welcome to contact the Office of the Registrar (417-836-5520).

Step-by-Step Guide

Set Primary Display

Final grades must be in a Letter Grade format. If your Total or Weighted Total column is not displaying as a Letter Grade, follow these steps to change the Primary Display.

  1. In the Grade Center, find the column displaying the students' final grade and click the drop-down arrow. 
    drop-down arrow
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Edit Column Information.
    Edit column information link
  3. Under the Column Information section, locate the Primary Display field and select Letter from the drop-down list.
    primary display field

Download your Blackboard Grade Center

  1. On your course, under the Control Panel, click Grade Center, and then click Full Grade Center.
    Full grade center link
  2. Point to Work Offline, and then click Download.
    download link
  3. In the Data section, select the Selected Column radio button. 
  4. From the Selected Column drop-down list, select the column that represents the students' final grade. This is typically the Total or Weighted Total.
    selected column field
    Please Note: Final Grades must be entered as a Letter grade. See the section above on how to Set Primary Display.
  5. Select the options:
    1. Delimiter Type = Comma 
    2. Include Hidden Information = Yes
      delimiter type and include hidden information options
  6. In the Save Location section, select the place you wish to save the grade center information. 
    Save location section
  7. Click Submit, and then click Download
    submit button

    download button
  8. The Grade Center will download as an Excel file. The columns may look similar to the example below. 
    example excel file

Add the Remaining columns to the Excel Spreadsheet

  • CRN

  • Term Code

  • Last Attend Date (this is only required for students who receive an NP or F grade) 

How to Add Columns to Your Excel Spreadsheet

  1. CRN (the five digit course reference number, which can be found in the CRN column for your class in Faculty Grade Entry)
    CRN column
    1. With your Grade Center spreadsheet open, right click on the letter A to highlight that entire column and select Insert.
      right click on column A

    2. In the new column, type CRN in the first cell (A1).
      CRN in cell A1
    3. Find the CRN for the class in Faculty Grade Entry.
      CRN in faculty grade entry
    4. Type this number into the second cell (A2).
    5. Click on the Data tab.
    6. With cell A2 selected, click Flash Fill.
      Flash fill

  2. Term Code in the six digit format ex. 201540 (this can be found in the Term column for your class in Faculty Grade Entry)
    Term column
    1. Right click on the letter A to highlight the entire column and select Insert.
      Insert new column

    2. In the new column, type Term Code in the first cell (A1).
      Term code in cell A1
    3. Find the six digit numerical term code (for example, Fall 2017 is 201740) for the class in Faculty Grade Entry.
      Term code
    4. Type this number into the second cell (A2).
    5. Click the Data tab.
    6. With cell A2 selected, click Flash Fill.
      Flash fill

  3. Last Attend Date (this is only required for students who receive an NP or F grade) 
Please Note: Last Access column in Blackboard indicates the last time the student logged into the Blackboard course, and is not the same as Last Attend Date.

Save your Spreadsheet 

  1. Click on the File tab.
  2. Click Save As
  3. Find a location for your document, type in a name, and choose either Excel Workbook or Excel 97-2003 Workbook in the Save As type field.
Please Note: The Faculty Grade Entry system will accept either Excel .xls .or xlsx extensions

Next, follow the guide on How to Import Grade Rosters in Faculty Grade Entry.

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.

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Thu 2/20/20 3:29 PM
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