How to Export a Faculty Class List in Excel

Follow the steps below to export a faculty class list into Excel. Learn how to find cards in My Missouri State here: Searching for Cards and Links

Export Your Class List

How to Export a Faculty Class List in Excel

  1. Log into My Missouri State and search for the Faculty Schedule & Assignments card.
  2. Click on the Class Dashboard link.Faculty Schedule & Assignments Card
  3. On the Class Dashboard, choose the term. Select Class List from the Option drop-down, and then select View My Classes
    Class Dashboard Page
  4. Click Submit Search. Once you've submitted, you will see a list of your classes.
    Class list
  5.  You can click either the CRN, Course/Section, or Title links to access your class list. The class information page will show.
    Class information page
  6. When viewing your class you will see both an Export and a Print icon in the upper right of the page.
    Export and Print icons
  7. Click Export to save an Excel file to your computer.
  8. The file can be saved with the extension xls or xlsx. Choose the file type of file you'd like to populate, and click Export.
    Please Note: XLS extension is used by Microsoft Excel 2003 and earlier whereas the XLSX extension is used by Microsoft Excel 2007 and later.
    Export file options
  9. In Google Chrome, this will download and show at the bottom of the screen for you to click on.
    Chrome download
  10. Click on the file to open in Excel. View or print your class list as needed.
    Excel class list spreadsheet


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