Dynamic Query-Based Distribution Lists

There are three types of distribution lists created through dynamic query of the Banner database. This page explains how these lists are created and how users can request a list.

All email communication should follow the policies outlined in Op12.02-4 Email Communications and Email Communications Policy and Procedures

Temporary/M-number based Distribution Lists

What is it and how is membership determined: A temporary/M-number based Distribution Lists is a distribution list that is created from a list of M-numbers and is available for a designated amount of time. The requesting user names the distribution list, provides a description, indicates the department authorized to use the list, and will then determine how long the list will remain available. This type of distribution list uses the same list of M-numbers that was used to create the Distribution List and does not update.  

How can users request to have one created: Users who have access to the Grails Distribution List application can create temporary/M-number based distribution lists themselves after they have access to the application. For access to the Grails Distribution List application, please request access by filling out the Distribution List request form specifying the Grails Distribution List application.

Dynamic Distribution Lists

What is it and how is membership determined: A Dynamic Distribution List is a special object in Active Directory/Office 365 that is generated new each time an email is sent to it. There is an Active Directory query that runs in the background whenever the list receives an email that looks for certain attributes like "title", "location", or a custom attribute from Banner, such as on which campus a person is located, or if they are faculty, staff, student, or any combination thereof. 

How can users request to have one created:  Dynamic Distribution Lists are not created on request.  These lists are usually just used for very large groups of people using attributes that don't often change, such as whether someone is faculty or staff.  However, if you feel a dynamic distribution list is appropriate, please fill out the Distribution List request form

Query-based Distribution Lists

What is it and how is membership determined: Query-based Distribution Lists are updated periodically by a CAMS process that runs a Banner query to see if any changes are needed. The majority of our dynamic/query-based lists are this kind. When someone’s information in Banner is changed, it is updated by HR, then each night (or other time period if specified), CAMS pushes the resulting changes to the lists.

How can users request to have one created:  Please fill out the Distribution List request form and specify what you want queried , how often the distribution list will be used, and which mailboxes/users should be able to send the distribution list. Someone from Management Information Systems (MIS) will be in contact to follow up on the request, confirm the results of the query, create the database views, and will coordinate with ESG to create the distribution list and the proper configuration in CAMS. 

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Request a new departmental or organizational distribution list created.