Greenwood Student Account Information

Greenwood Student accounts are set up differently than other accounts at Missouri State. When Greenwood students become Missouri State University college students, their accounts are affected in a couple of ways.

Greenwood Student Accounts

New student accounts need to be activated. The current process is for newly enrolled students to go to the office of Greenwood tech support personnel and have their account manually activated in the system. 

When students attend Greenwood, they are set up with an Active Directory (AD) domain account. This account provides them access to lab computers, Brightspace, Meyer Library resources, and the wireless network. This account does not give them a Office 365 mailbox, or access to My Missouri State and most other network resources (Bear1, Slate, etc.). 

A Greenwood student can decide to become "dual-enrolled", which is to take both Greenwood classes and Missouri State college-level courses. With dual-enrollment the student will now have access to My Missouri State, an Office365 mailbox, and all of the other resources a regular Missouri State University student would have.



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