How to Register for Classes using the Class Schedule Search

If you know the courses you want to add, but aren’t sure about the sections, you can use the class schedule search to find sections that work for your schedule.  Follow the instructions below to register using this method. 

Learn how to find cards in My Missouri State here: Searching for Cards and Links

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Register for Classes using the Class Schedule Search

  1. Log into My Missouri State and search for the Registration card
  2. Click the Add, Drop, or Search for Classes link.

Registration Card

  1. Click on Add or Drop Classes

 Add or drop classes option highlighted on main menu

  1. Select your term and click Continue 
  2. Enter your desired search criteria (e.g. subject, course number, modality, etc.) and click Search or hit the enter key. 
  3. Once you have found the course you wish to add, click the Add button and the course will move to your summary panel. Screen showing classes searched for, current schedule of selected classes and classes registered for
  4. Once you have added all of the classes that you wish to add to your summary panel, click Submit to complete your registration. 
    Submit button highlighted when classes to add has been done
  5. Any errors that prevent registration in your selected class(es) will appear in the upper right corner of your screen.  If your course has a registration error, you will notice that the course is highlighted in red in the summary panel with a status of “Errors Preventing Registration.” Once you have resolved the errors, you can attempt to register for the class again following the steps above.

  Screen showing registration error message in top right corner in red with class causing error boxed in red

  1. If there are no errors, the status of your courses will be highlighted in green and will read “Registered” and any of your courses that have a scheduled day/time will appear in the schedule section of the Registration page. 
  2. If you do have errors and wish to remove the course from your registration summary, hit submit again and the course will disappear. 

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.



Article ID: 139378
Mon 5/2/22 8:34 AM
Tue 8/22/23 10:02 PM