Loading Courses in Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys

This guide will show you how to load courses into Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys projects for online evaluation. 

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Load Courses in Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys

Navigate to the project in which you need to load courses.

Please Note: CRN is the most accurate way to find your courses. If you do not find a course listed by CRN, contact the system administrator.

Under Courses tab:

courses tab

  1. Click Data Import and select Brightspace.

    Data Import Tab

  2. Select "All Departments" and current term (e.g. Fall 2024).
  3. Under Filter Options, select "Title" and "Contains". Enter the Department Course Prefix (e.g. ART, BIO, HST).
    • "Code" may be used instead if you know the CRN of the course. Enter the CRN instead of Department Course prefix if the "Code" filter option is used.

Search Box for Brightspace Courses

  1. Click Search.
  2. Select the box to the left of the correct course.

Select Courses Box

Please Note: Be sure that the course selected is in the correct term.
  1. Scroll down and deselect the box asking about confirmation emails if you don't want to receive confirmation emails.​​​​​​​

Import Options Panel

  1. Click Import Data at the bottom.

import data icon

  1. You should receive this message:
    notification of importing course
  1. Repeat steps 3-7 for every course.

NOTE: If you do not see the courses you need, you may need to re-sync Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys with Brightspace. You can review the date of last sync in the upper right-hand corner of the search bar. You can choose to Re-Sync Courses from the upper left-hand corner if the sync date is not within the current semester. It may take up to 30 minutes to re-sync a course. Once the date has updated, the sync is complete. This will normally be handled by the Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys administrator, but if you don't see a current date listed, that may be the cause of the issue.​​​​​​​

re-sync courses option

Re-Sync Courses Box​​​​​​​

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