The purpose of the VPN is to provide a secure & encrypted method for transferring data. As a convenience to faculty, staff, and students many network resources can be accessed off-campus with use of the VPN. This includes file servers, internal websites, and workstations.
VPN Access: Access to the VPN is assigned to those who require it for a university business or academic function.
To request access, submit an Access Request in the IT Service Portal. Include a short description of the academic or business reason you are requesting VPN access.
Step-by-Step Guide
How to Set Up Cisco AnyConnect VPN for Windows
- Open your browser and navigate to
- In the Login window, select the default GROUP *MissouriState, then click Login.
- You will be directed to a Missouri State sign in page. You will sign in with your Office 365 Login which contains one of the three options below.
- You will be directed to a page to enter the password for your account. Then click Sign in.
- If you are utilizing Multi-Factor Authentication for Office 365, you will be prompted for an MFA approval.
- If you are unable to authenticate with your preferred option, you will be able to choose another authentication method from your selected options. Simply select Sign in another way to use a different method.
- Choose one of the available options to approve your sign-on attempt.
- After a successful sign-in, you will be directed to the VPN installer download page.
- Click Save File to download the Cisco AnyConnect VPN application.
Please Note:
If you are using Microsoft Edge or the Google Chrome web browser, the download bar will be shown in the bottom left corner of the browser window.
If you are using the Mozilla Firefox web browser, there will be a download pop-up window asking for the file to be saved.
- To begin the installation process, navigate to the location where the installation file was downloaded to and open the file. The file is typically in the C:\Users\BearPassID\Downloads folder.
- Click Next
- Select the options I accept the terms in the License Agreement, then click Next.
- Click Install.
Please Note:
If you are prompted with a User Account Control window, click Yes.
- Once the installation is complete, click Finish.
- To continue setting up your VPN, open the Cisco AnyConnect application. You can do this by navigating to the Windows Start Menu and searching for Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
- Type Then click Connect.
- You will be directed to a Missouri State authentication window that requires your BearPass account login information.
- You will be directed to a Missouri State sign-in page. You will sign in with your Office 365 Login which consists of one of the three options below:
- You will be directed to a page to enter the password for your BearPass ID. Then click Sign in.
- You will see a screen similar to the one below when logging in with MFA on the VPN, depending on the preferred verification option you selected in the MFA enrollment process. The example below uses the Microsoft Authenticator app as the preferred option.
- If you are unable to authenticate with your preferred option, you will be able to choose another authentication method from your selected options. Simply select Sign in another way to use a different method.
- Choose one of the available options to approve your sign-on attempt.
- Once connected, there will be an AnyConnect icon in the lower right corner of the taskbar with a lock showing that you are connected to the Missouri State VPN and are ready to access Missouri State resources from off-campus.
- To disconnect from the VPN, right-click the AnyConnect icon and select Disconnect.
To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.