How to Set Up Your iOS Device Wireless


This How-To-Article explains how to connect to a Wireless Network on an iPhone or iPad.


Follow the steps below to set up wireless on your iPhone or iPad.

Which Network to Use: 

MSU: Faculty, staff, and students living off-campus.
MSU Open: Visiting in the PSU, Welcome Center, or the Library.
MSU Residential: Students living on campus.
MSU Sponsored: Departmental guest access (must get key from Networking and Telecommunication).

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Set Up Your iOS Device Wireless

1. On your device, navigate to Settings.

2. From the Settings menu, tap Wi-Fi.

iOS Settings Menu with Wi-Fi highlighted.

3. Ensure that Wi-Fi is On, then select the appropriate network you wish to join.

iOS Wi-Fi Settings menu displaying available networks.

4. Enter your BearPass Login (abc123) and Password, then tap Join.

  • West Plains Campus: use BearpassLogin@wp

iOS network selection asking for credentials to sign-in

5. Tap Trust to accept the server certificate.

Wi-Fi certificate confirmation page

7. Your device will confirm it is connected to the network.

iOS Wi-Fi settings menu displaying that is is connected to the network.

You are now connected to the Wireless network and should be able to browse the Internet, check your email, and more.

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.



Article ID: 90961
Wed 10/30/19 7:05 PM
Tue 8/22/23 10:36 PM

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