How to Create and Attach a Rubric

You can create a rubrics for specific projects and assignments in your Blackboard course. There are default qualifiers for the rubrics, but you can also add your own.

Please Note:  If you haven’t already done so, you will need to turn on the Rubrics tool in the Tool Availability menu before using rubrics in your Blackboard course.

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create and Attach a Rubric

To create a rubric

  1. On your course site, under the Control Panel, click Course Tools, and then click Rubric.
    rubric link
  2. On the Rubrics page, click Create Rubric.
  3. In the Rubric Information section, fill in the Name box. You can also type a description for the Rubric, though it is not required.
  4. In the Rubric Detail section type the details of the qualifiers for the project such as formatting, organization, and grammar. You can also detail the "levels of achievement" as novice, competent, and proficient.
    Rubric Detail page for identifiying the criteria of the assessment.
  5. If you want to add more rows or columns to the rubric, click Add Row or Add Column.
  6. You can also select to Show Points or Show Point Range.
    Please Note:   The order of the numbers in the range is backwards from normal expectations.  The levels can be arranged in any order you choose, but for the points within each level, you must enter them as <lowest> to <highest>. Otherwise you will get an error stating that your points (or percentage) range is out of bounds.
  7. When you are finished with the Rubric, click Submit.

To view a rubric

  1. Navigate to Rubrics in the Course Tools section of the Control Panel.
  2. On the Rubric you'd like to view, click to open the Contextual menu, and then click Open
    open link

    You can also Edit, Copy, and Delete a rubric.

To link a rubric to an assignment

Once you create a rubric, you can link that rubric to an assignment from the Grade Center.

  1. Access the Full Grade Center from the Control Panel
    full grade center link
  2. Locate the assignment column to which you want to add a rubric.
    assignment example
  3. Click to open the Contextual Menu, and then click Edit Column Information.
  4. Click Add Rubric.
    add rubric button
  5. From the Add Rubric window, choose your preferred option.
    associated rubric options
  6. Once you have selected or created a rubric, click Submit.
  7. Then you will see the selected rubric added below the Associated Rubrics box.
    associated rubric box


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Article ID: 93559
Mon 12/2/19 11:12 AM
Thu 9/16/21 1:05 PM