How to Create a Grade Report

Follow the directions below to create printable reports for your course.

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create a Grade Report

  1. On your course, under the Control Panel, click Grade Center, and then click Full Grade Center.
    full grade center link
  2. On the Grade Center page, point to Reports, and then click Create Report.
    Select the Report drop-down menu and choose Create Report.
  3. On the Create Reports page, in the Report Name box, type a name for the report.
  4. Leave the Date, Institution Name, Course Information, and Names of Users by Role boxes at the default, and then select which items you wish to appear in the header. You may also add custom text to the header if you wish.
    Select the information you want included in the Header.
  5. In the Users section, select which users for which you wish to create a report.
    users section
  6. In the User Information section, select which information about the users you wish to include in the report.
    user information section
  7. In the Columns section, select the columns to include in the report. You can also include hidden columns.
    Select the columns to include in the report.
  8. In the Column Information section, select what information about the columns you want displayed on your report. 
    column information
  9. In the Footer section, select what information you want displayed. You can add custom text in this section.
    Choose the information to include in the footer of the report.
  10. When you are finished, click Submit.
  11. You will see the report open. You can print reports by using your browser's print button or by pressing CTRL+P. To see an example report, click the thumbnail below.
    Sample report.


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Article ID: 93273
Mon 11/25/19 10:17 AM
Thu 9/16/21 8:10 AM