Instructors can add users to their Brightspace classes in a limited number of roles. Please note, instructor and learner roles are exclusively synced from Banner and cannot be added or removed using this tool.
You will find the link to the Add Users page on the Brightspace main navigation bar, under the Manage Courses heading.

To add a user to your course:
- Choose a term from the dropbown box. If this is a West Plains campus course, be sure to check the West Plains box to ensure that you get the correct selections.
- Enter the M# of the user you want to add to the course. The user must already have a Brightspace account in order to be added through this tool. If they do not yet have an account you will receive an error when you attempt to submit the request.
- Choose the appropriate role for the user:
- Teaching Assistant: access mirrors that of the instructor within the course, allows content to be added or changed and grades to be updated
- Grader: provides access to gradebook, limited access to course content with no permission to edit
- Course Builder: provides access to edit course content, no grading permissions
- Choose a course from the table. Please note, courses that have been created within the last 24 hours will not be displayed, but they will appear after courses are synced overnight.
- Click Add user to course to submit your request. If your addition was processed, you will receive a message that the user was successfully added. You will see the user reflected in your Classlist in Brightspace within a few minutes.

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.