Combining Course Sections in Brightspace

Courses can be combined within Brightspace if you need to teach multiple sections with the same content.

Please Note: Courses must be merged before students have submitted any materials, as student grades do not move as part of a merge, just enrollment.
  1. Navigate to Brightspace and click the Admin Tools cog in the upper right corner.

 Top Navbar with Settings Highlighted

  1. Select SIS Course Merge

Settings Dropdown with SIS Course Merge Highlighted

Please Note: We strongly encourage using the semester filter prior to merging your courses to ensure you do not merge old courses.
  1. Select the courses you want to merge. You can use the search and filter options as needed to find the courses from your list. 

SIS Course Merge page

  1. Click Merge Courses.
  2. Select the course you wish to merge content into.

Merge Courses Selection Page

  1. When you have selected the course to merge content into, click Merge

Merge has started indicator

  1. You will see a confirmation that your merge has begun. Depending on the time of semester this may take a bit of time. You will receive a notification in Brightspace when it is complete. 

Merge Complete Notification


Please Note: Sections can be merged by instructors, but due to potential for data loss, they cannot be unmerged. Please submit a support ticket if you need assistance with unmerging courses.

Viewing Different Sections of a Merged Course

  1. Click Course Admin, located in the Navbar of your course.

Course Navbar "Course Admin" Highlighted

  1. Navigate to the Learner Management section, then click on Classlist.

Learner Management Section of Course Admin Page

  1. Change View By: User to View By: Section using the drop-down menu, then click Apply.

Classlist Page

  1. Use the new Sections drop-down menu to sort through the sections of your course.

Classlist page


To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.