Installing Respondus Lockdown Browser

Respondus Monitor enables institutions to protect the integrity of non-proctored, online exams. Students use their own computer and a webcam to record assessment sessions, all without leaving the institution's learning management system. Students start the LockDown Browser, log into the LMS, and complete a brief start up sequence prior to the exam that makes sure the webcam and microphone are working. The student and the surrounding environment are recorded during the entire exam by their own computer's webcam, and thumbnails will be taken at random intervals. The student might also be asked to show identification. Instructors can quickly review details of the assessment and even watch the recorded video.

Please note: Unlike in Blackboard, you will navigate through Brightspace in a standard browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) and then when you begin your quiz, it will automatically launch Respondus as long as it is installed on the computer. 

Installing Respondus LockDown Browser in Brightspace

  1. Log in to Brightspace with your Missouri State Account.
  2. Find your course and go to the quiz you have been assigned.
  3. Before taking the quiz, you will be asked to download or launch Respondus. If you already have the most current version of Respondus available, you may skip this step. If you do not have Respondus installed, or are unsure, click Download and install the latest version of LockDown Browser.

Quiz Requirements

  1. Click Install Now.

Install Respondus LockDown Browser

  1. Click Save File.
    Click save file.
  2. Navigate to the Downloads folder, or wherever you saved the installer file.
    Please Note: The installer file will be more than likely saved in the Downloads folder.  
  3. Double-click on the LockDownSFX.exe file to start the installation. If a Security Windows comes up asking if you want to run the file, Click Run.
  4. Choose a Setup Language and click Next.
    choose a language for Respondus

  5. A "Preparing setup" windows will run. 
    Preparing setup
  6. Accept the License Agreement, Click Next.
    Accept the installation agreement.
  7. The "Installation Process" will begin.
    Setup process begins.
  8. Click Finish to complete the installation.
    Click finish to complete the installation process.

You will be able to launch Respondus LockDown Browser in Brightspace after installation is complete. You will return to your standard browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.), navigate to your quiz in Brightspace, and then Brightspace will launch Respondus for your quiz. 


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Article ID: 147242
Wed 9/13/23 2:40 PM
Wed 9/4/24 2:07 PM