Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys Overview

Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys (formerly EvaluationKIT) is the online survey platform used for end-of-course evaluations at Missouri State. Evaluations are organized by the department or college and are presented to students at the time most appropriate for the course time frame.

Please Note: There are sub-accounts now in use for each college. If you do not see your results or response rate tracker, please ensure that you are in the correct sub-account. Click Switch Account at the very top of the screen to change between sub-accounts.

Time Frame

  • Evaluations will typically be available to students shortly after the drop deadline for that course to ensure consistency.
  • Courses with a non-standard time frame (anything outside of first-block, second-block, full semester, or numbered summer periods) will be assigned to the closest possible evaluations project.
  • Course evaluations will end the day prior to study day (for full semester and second block) or the day prior to finals (for shorter periods that do not include study day).
  • Results are made available to faculty the same day that grades are available to students in my.missouristate.edu (typically this is the Tuesday after grades have been submitted). Please note, faculty will not be able to see a response rate once the project is closed, so there is no data available during finals week.

What to Expect


Students will receive an email from Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys inviting them to complete their evaluations. Faculty and administrators will also receive notification that evaluations have begun. Students will continue to receive regular reminders with the link to complete the evaluation. These reminders will end when the student has completed the evaluation. Students receive one email per project, but they may receive multiple emails if they have courses in different projects.

Students will receive an email confirming that they have completed the evaluation for a particular course. They can provide this email as documentation of evaluation completion as requested by faculty.


Students can access their survey through the direct email link.

Faculty and administrators can access Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys through my.missouristate.edu. The link is located on the Watermark Faculty Resources card. During evaluations faculty and administrators can review response rates for courses that have at least three respondents. Results become available the day following the grade submission deadline. Results for courses with fewer respondents will not be available to faculty or administrators.

Requesting Assistance

If a student is unable to complete their course evaluation, please have them request assistance through the help desk service portal to ensure prompt attention. If a student has completed the wrong evaluation for a course, they may request to have it reset.

If a faculty member is not able to access their evaluation results, they can also submit a ticket through the help desk service portal.


Increasing student evaluation response rates

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.

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