How to Edit a Missouri State Spotlight

Follow these step-by-step instructions for editing a spotlight.

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Edit a Missouri State Spotlight

  1. Log into Spotlight Administration.
  2. Select the name of the desired spotlight.
    - The filters on this page allow you to set some basic information on how the spotlight will be used.
    - Type will designate whether the individual is an alumni, donor, faculty, staff or student.
    - The Campus Wide Filter should be used when the spotlight should be shared freely among many websites.
    - Status designates whether the spotlight will be active or inactive in the system; a spotlight cannot be made active until all the required fields are completed.
  3. The Editor field designates the group that will be allowed to edit a spotlight. Only the editor group and administrators can edit a spotlight.
    - Under General Information, you should enter the Name of the individual being featured in the spotlight.
    - Headline will be used for spotlight displays where the name is not featured as the title of the spotlight.
    - The Start Date and the End Date designate the time period in which the spotlight should run in the system.
    - Introduction Sentence should contain short teaser text that will display when the spotlight is linked from a page. There is a 250 character max in this field.
    - Body of Story should contain the story of the spotlight, as continued from the Introduction Sentence field. There is a 3500 character max in this field.
    - Depending on the Type of spotlight you are creating, there are several custom fields to edit:  Alumni Information and Donor Information contains fields for their Job Title, Job City and Job State.
    - Faculty Information and Staff Information contains fields for their Job Title, Department, Job City and Job State.
    - Student Information contains fields for their High School, Hometown, Academic Program, and Second Academic Program.
    - Degree Information is for additional academic information on spotlights who are professionals and graduates.
    - Custom Field Information allows you to enter subject/information fields on spotlights. For example, you could enter Awards in a Custom Field Name textbox, and then the award titles the Custom Field Text.
  4. Select Insert to input the new spotlight into the system.
  5. Edit the spotlight admin page to enter additional information in the next steps. Click the linked name of the spotlight just entered.
    • Related departments and organizations allows you to select a single or multiple University Units that are sponsoring the spotlight, or would like to have the spotlight within their pages.
    • Keywords allows you to select University marketing messages related to the spotlight or create a new generic keyword to be applied to the spotlight.
    • Under Media, you must upload four images. All images must be JPEG format with a .jpg filename extension.
      • Small image dimensions should be 120px x 68px.
      • Small image dimensions should be 200px x 113px.
      • Medium image dimensions should be 280px x 158px.
      • Large image dimensions should be 440px x 248px.
    • Video Link allows you to embed a video associated with spotlight. Video dimensions should be 440px x 248px.
    • Photo Gallery Link allows you to link to a related photo gallery.
  6. Mark the spotlight as active (if you're ready to make it live) then click Update to save your spotlight.

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.


Article ID: 130397
Tue 3/16/21 2:55 PM
Wed 8/23/23 8:24 PM