Mind's Eye Blog Posts

Refer to these resources for creating and editing Mind's Eye blog posts in WordPress.

Adding Formatting Text

  1. Paste text as plain text (Ctrl+Shift+V).
  2. Select Format > Blocks > Heading 2.
  3. Select the Blockquote button (or Shift+Alt+Q).
  4. Add byline code and text.
  5. Add call to action code and text.

Quote float left code (optional)

<blockquote class="left">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</blockquote>

Byline code

<div class="byline">
        <li>Story by John Doe</li>
        <li>Photos by John Doe</li>
        <li>Video by John Doe</li>

Call to action code

<div class="ctaBlock">
    <h2>Further reading</h2>
    <p><a href="#">Explore lorem ipsum</a></p>

Setting the Featured Video

Featured image
Even though the featured video is displayed in place of the featured image, the featured image should still be set (for social media sharing purposes).
  1. In the Format section, select Video.
  2. In the Post Format Settings section, copy and paste the following code into the Video Settings field:
    <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/$videoID" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen cc_load_policy="1" modestbranding="1"></iframe>
  3. Replace $videoID in the pasted code with the desired video's YouTube ID to finish.

Updating Features

Features are typically determined during the production cycle of the blog posts—noted as either a cover story or spotlight. However, final Mind's Eye homepage features should be set and ordered according to what is selected and approved for the final published book.

Before setting new features, the previous edition's features and stories should be archived.

Archiving past features

  1. View all the posts.
  2. Select the "Featured Story" filter from the filter dropdown and click "Filter."
  3. Hover over the title and click "Quick Edit."
  4. Deselect "Featured Story" from the categories block.
  5. Click "Update."
  6. Repeat for each feature.

Archiving past stories

  1. View all the posts.
  2. Select a month of the previous edition from the filter dropdown and click "Filter."
  3. Hover over the title and click "Quick Edit."
  4. Deselect "Other Stories" from the categories block
  5. Click "Update."
  6. Repeat for each month of the previous edition.

Setting new features

  1. View all the posts.
  2. Scroll or search to find the story to be featured.
  3. Click the title of the story to be featured.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure a homepage image has been set.
  5. Select "Featured Story" from the categories block.
  6. Click "Update."

Additional notes

  • New features should not be set until immediately prior to the release of the new Mind's Eye publication.
  • Ensure a featured story homepage image is set before making a story into a feature. Homepage images can be set by scrolling to the bottom of a story and uploading a 220px by 220px image to the featured story homepage image field. Selected images should coincide with the featured image used in the printed publication. The cover image (minus masthead) should be used for the cover story.
  • Features are ordered by date, newest to oldest. To re-order the features, edit the post and adjust the published day to where the first feature has the most recent date with subsequent features having older dates.
  • Features can also be set using the quick edit function by hovering over a title, clicking "Quick Edit" and setting "Featured Story" as the category. Ensure a homepage image is also set.

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.


Article ID: 130391
Tue 3/16/21 2:44 PM
Wed 8/23/23 8:26 PM