Completing Your Evaluations (Student)

This details student instructions for how to start and complete student course evaluations through Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys (formerly EvaluationKIT).

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Start a Survey

To start your Evaluation:
  1. Use the blue or purple link in your email, which you will receive from Missouri State Online or from your Department or College once evaluations begin.
  2. Click the Evaluation you wish to complete on the screen similar to this one.

Evaluations Test Project Box


How to Complete a Survey

  1. Mark the circle under the options from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree (or Not Applicable) which most closely fits to your opinion.
    • Note: The Neutral option means that you have no opinion on the question or that you neither agree nor disagree with the sentence. The Not Applicable option means that this question does not apply to you, your class, or your instructor.

  2. Use the free response text boxes to express your opinion in more detail.
    • Note: only use text while trying to answer the prompt. The text boxes do not accept pictures or screenshots.
  3. Respond to any other single selection question, multiple selection question, etc. 
  4. Click the Submit button once the survey is finished.
Please Note: After you complete the survey, Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys will send an email with a Certificate of Completion.

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.

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