How to Manage a Group Management List

Group Management is used to add users to a variety of campus resources, such as distribution lists and shared mailboxes. The below guide will detail how to add or remove users from Group Management.

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Add Users to a Group in Group Management

  1. You can get to Group Management from in the System Administration Tools card. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. Log in with your Missouri State account and password.
  3. You will see the list of groups you manage, Select the group name to proceed.
  4. Click Add User(s) at the top left of the group page.
  5. If you only have a handful of users to add, you may enter their Login (abc123) or MSU email addresses in the Add user(s) by name: box, separating each user with a semicolon (;) or colon (:).
    Add Users menu with example usernames
  6. If you have a large number of users to add, you can create a text file in Excel that lists each username or MSU email address on a separate line.
    Sample list of users by email address in Excel
    1. Save the file as a .csv and click Choose File to upload the file to Group Management.
      Choose file option with example text file selected
  7. After entering the users or uploading your text file, enter the reason for the users' addition to the group in the Note section. 
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  8. Click Add User(s) to group to submit your changes.
  9. You will see the users you added highlighted on the group Members page, but you can also check the group History tab to see your changes.

Group Membership Tips

Follow these troubleshooting tips to resolve 90% of the issues with Group Membership access.

  • Make sure to add yourself to the membership list if you also need access to the resource.
  • It can take up to 1 hour or more to sync the permissions to the resource once someone is added to the membership list, depending on how busy systems are. So if there is an error when attempting to access the mailbox/folder for the first time, wait an for at least an hour and try again.
  • If someone who is on the membership list can no longer access the mailbox/folder, try removing them and then adding them back. This simple step can sometimes 're-sync' the group membership.



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Related Services / Offerings (1)

If your area does not have a CAMS group manager, select this option to request the new employee have access to departmental/shared mailboxes, email distribution lists, and/or network folders like Clementine or Bear1.

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