How to Grant Overrides in Admin Banner


Step-by-step guide to granting overrides in Admin Banner.


If you are the instructor of record for a class, use Self Service Banner via My Missouri State to grant overrides. Only use Admin Banner for overrides when you are performing them on behalf of someone else (e.g. deans, depts., secretaries).

Learn how to find cards in My Missouri State here: Searching for Cards and Links

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Grant Overrides in Admin Banner

  1. Log in to My Missouri State and search for the Enterprise Software card.
  2. Click the Admin Banner link.Enterprise Software Card
  3. In the Search field on the Welcome screen, enter SFASRPO and press ENTER.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. In the ID field type the student's M‐Number
    ID field
    1. If you do not know the M‐Number, you can search for the student using other criteria. 
      1. Click on the three dots by the ID field and choose what elements to search by. Click Go or press F8 on your keyboard to execute the query.
        go button
      2. Once you have your search results, double click on the ID of the person to be selected, or click the Select button in the lower right corner. 
  5. In the Term field, enter the correct academic term. Terms are built by appending a term code to the academic year as follows:
    1. Spring: YYYY20
    2. Summer: YYYY30
    3. Fall: YYYY40
      1. Example: 202340 = Fall 2023
        term field
  6. Click the Go or Next Section, or Enter or ALT+PageDown on your keyboard to get to the next screen. 
  7. Click on the three dots next to the Permit field. The Registration Permit‐Override Codes box will appear.
    Student permits and overrides section page
  8. Select the appropriate override and then OK. See Table 1 below for more information on override codes.
    Registration permit-override codes box
  9. You have three options at this point:
    1. Tab over to the CRN field and enter the CRN, or you may use the three dots next to the CRN field to search for the number. Entering the CRN automatically populates the Subject, Course Number and Section information.
    2. Skip the CRN field. Tab over to the Subject, Course Number and Section fields and enter them. Doing so will automatically populate the CRN field.
    3. Skip the CRN field. Enter the Subject and Course Number. Leaving the CRN and Section fields blank allows the override to apply to any section of the course.
  10. Click Save in the lower right corner.
    save button
    Please Note: Once you click Save the User box is populated. This displays who performed the override for the student.
  11. To assist a different student with an override, click the green Start Over button in the upper right corner of the page and begin with step #3. If you are finished, you can close the SFASRPO form by clicking on the X in the upper left corner and return to the Welcome screen.
    start over button

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.



Article ID: 98897
Thu 2/20/20 5:15 PM
Fri 5/24/24 3:20 PM

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