Brightspace FAQ


How do I access Brightspace?

Brightspace can be accessed at

Brightspace can also be accessed through Missouri State University’s website.

        1. On Missouri State University’s homepage, click Log in in the top right corner.

Missouri State University Homepage Banner

        2. From the drop-down menu, click Brightspace. This will redirect you to the login page.

Where do I find my log in information?

You will log in using your Missouri State Account.

How do I navigate Brightspace?

At the top of the page, Brightspace has a navigation tool called the Navbar.

Course Navbar

Brightspace also uses Widgets. They are located on the homepage of Brightspace and Brightspace courses. These widgets could hold class content, tools, and other important information.

Brightspace Widget

The homepage can be visited by clicking the Missouri State University logo in the top left.

If you are looking at a course’s content, the course’s homepage can be visited by clicking the course’s name in the navbar.

How do I find my course?

Courses are listed under the My Courses widget on the home page of Brightspace.

My Courses Widget

They can also be found by clicking the Select a Course button in the top right of any Brightspace page.

Select a Course Button Highlighted

Why don’t I have access to my course yet?

Courses become available to students at the discretion of the course instructor. Many professors will make their classes available on Brightspace during the first week the course. If you are worried that you have not been added by mistake, you may need to contact your professor.

How do I get course notifications on my phone?

To get push notifications from Brightspace, you will need to download and sign in to the Brightspace Pulse app on your mobile device. In the app's settings, you can change which notifications you receive. The default settings, however, will work for most people.

What if I am worried about transitioning from Blackboard?

Although Brightspace and Blackboard are visually different from each other, both learning systems have many similar features that are implemented in different ways. Finding courses, assignments, and submitting files are transferable skills, despite the differences between the two systems.

Some of my courses look different, why is that?

While the Brightspace program is used campus-wide, each professor has control over how they organize the content of their course. If you are having trouble understanding the layout of a specific course, it is best to contact your professor with any questions.

How are Brightspace courses organized?

While your professor has control over the course layout, courses will utilize a consistent navbar. This can be found at the top of the any course page. The default navbar contains drop-down menus for Communication, Content, Assessments, Grades, and University Policies. These can be used to navigate between pages within your course and quickly access important content such as your grades, discussion boards, or group pages.

How do I change my profile picture or information?

  1. On the Brightspace homepage, click on your profile in the top right corner.
  2. Click on Profile from the drop-down menu.

Profile Drop-down Menu

  1. On this page, you can upload a profile picture. There is also the option to add a tagline and any interests/hobbies you would like to share. Note: this information will be visible to professors and other students in your courses.
  2. After you have made any changes, click the blue Save and Close button at the bottom of the page.

Save and Close Highlighted

How do I turn on email notifications?

  1. Click on your profile in the top right of the page.
  2. Click on Notifications from the drop-down menu.

Notifications Highlighted in Profile Dropdown Menu

  1. Check the boxes next to which items you would like to receive email notifications for.

Email Notification Check Boxes

Why aren’t my assignments showing up on the calendar?

Depending on how professors structure assignments, their due dates may not appear in the Brightspace calendar. It is best to look closely at courses in case this situation occurs.

How do I access general settings, and what can I change?

  1. Click on your profile in the top right of the page.
  2. Click on Account Settings from the drop-down menu.

Account Settings Highlighted from Profile Drop-down Menu

  1. Amend any settings on this page. Here you can change your pronouns, time zone, font settings, and more.


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Article ID: 152603
Tue 8/20/24 10:38 AM
Thu 10/31/24 10:14 AM