TCRP for Students
To access the TCRP forms, visit and sign in using your Missouri State Account ID.
Using the Discover page, search for Transfer Resources.
Using this card, you can access the Admitted Transfer Student Checklist, the Request Transfer Credit Pre-Approval page, and the Request Transfer Credit Re-Evaluation page.
If you are a transfer student, it is important that you review the Admitted Transfer Student Checklist as it provides a list of important steps and reminders.
Before doing anything, you should check your Transfer Credit Evaluation. From, use the Discover page to find the Transfer To-Do List card. Then click Review transfer credit evaluation. This page will list your courses and their equivalent course at Missouri State.
To check equivalency of other courses, visit the Transfer Equivalencies Guide. Select a college from the dropdown menu and change the letter range to find your specific course.
Pre-approval or Re-evaluation
If you have already taken the course, then check if the course has equivalency to a Missouri State course. If not, then you may need to apply for re-evaluation.
If it does have equivalency, then you only need to apply for re-evaluation if you would like to apply the credit to a different course, such as a general credit course.
If you have not completed the course yet, then check if the course you are planning to take has equivalency with a Missouri State course. If it does not, then you will need to apply for pre-approval. If it does have equivalency, then there are no further steps.
Requesting Preapproval
To request pre-approval, click the Request Transfer Credit Pre-Approval link in the Transfer Resources card in
The form requires you to input:
- The university you will be taking the course with.
- The course code and number.
- The course’s description.
- The course’s syllabus.
- The course’s proposed equivalency.
- Any additional information you wish to provide.
Requesting Re-Evaluation
To request re-evaluation, click the Request Transfer Credit Re-Evaluation link in the Transfer Resources card in
Please Note: before requesting re-evaluation, you will first have to have a meeting with your advisor.
When you are able to access the form, you will need the following information:
- The course’s syllabus.
- The course’s proposed equivalency.
- Any additional information you wish to provide.
TCRP For Advisors
Advisors can submit a Pre-approval or Re-evaluation request for an advisee or student.
- Using the Discover feature at, locate the Faculty and Advisor Resources card.
- Click on Student Information Menu.
- Click on ID Selection, select a term, and input your advisee’s name or ID.
- Click Submit. If in information is correct on the following page, then click Submit again.
You will be directed back to the Student Information page. The requests for pre-approval and re-evaluation are available at the bottom of the page. They are listed as TCRP 2.0 Submit Request for Preapproval and TCRP 2.0 Submit Request for Reevaluation.
When helping a student with submitting a pre-approval form, you will need the following information:
- The university they will be taking the course with.
- The course code and number.
- The course’s description.
- The course’s syllabus, if available
- The course’s proposed equivalency.
- Any additional information you or the student wish to provide.
When helping a student with submitting a re-evaluation form, you will need the following information:
- The course’s syllabus.
- The course’s proposed equivalency.
- Any additional information you or the student wish to provide.
TCRP for Approvers
Before you are able to approve requests, ensure that you have the proper role to do so. Request the Grails role from Information Security with a CC: of your direct supervisor
- ADVISOR, TCRP_ADMIN, and ADVISOR_ALTERNATE may view anything, but cannot approve.
- TCRP_DEPT, TCRP_GENED, and TCRP_EDUCATION_ABROAD may view anything, and approve only the SUBJ assigned in the BEARDATA.Z_TRCRSCT table.
- TCRP_ALL may view and approve anything.
- TCRP_Z_TRCRSCT may access and assign SUBJ to approvers.
For courses that you should be the approver of, please request the specific 3-digit subject codes for those courses from Lori Day.
Emails to Departments will be managed by MIS. Submit a ticket to the help desk.
Managing Requests
Using the Discover feature at, search for the TCRP System 2.0 card. Then click on Manage Requests.
This page will allow you to search and filter through requests.
From the Select a search option dropdown, select a search option.
The search options you have available are dependent on your role and what office you work for. These are the available search options:
- View All Undergraduate Transfer Credit Requests
- Department Requests - Department options will be restricted to those in which you are an Approver.
- Education Abroad Requests
- General Education Requests
- My Reevaluations and Preapprovals - Lists your actions or action items.
- Student Requests - Allows you to search by student's BearPass ID.
Please Note: if some of these are not in the drop-down box, it likely isn’t an error. As stated, the search options you have available are dependent on your role and what office you work for.
Then Select a Date Range.
Please Note: if you do not select a date range, it will only search through the last thirty days.
Finally, Select a Request Status Type. If you area approving or denying requests, you will likely be checking the Requests Awaiting Action bubble.
Hit Submit.
Search results will display the following information and options for each request:
- Select Request – allows you to select and delete a request.
- Student Name – redirects you to the student’s email.
- Advising Notes – redirects you to the student’s advising notes.
- Transfer Credit Evaluations – redirects you to the student’s Transfer Credit Evaluation.
- Edit/View Request – allows you to view and edit the student’s request.
- Type – shows either P meaning Pre-approval or R meaning Re-evaluation.
- Education Abroad – shows either Y meaning Yes or N meaning No.
- Institution – shows what institution the credit is being transferred from.
- Transfer Course – shows the course’s code.
- Last Action – shows either:
- A (approved)
- C (complete)
- E (course approved for everyone)
- O (other course - approved for student)
- P (other course - approved for everyone)
- F (reactivated)
- M (more information needed)
- R (requested)
- D (denied)
- S (denied with substitution or waiver)
- Date/Time – shows the date and time that the last action was submitted.
- Last Action User – redirects you to the email of the last user who made a change to the request.
- Processed by Admissions – shows whether the request has been processed or not.
- Routed To – shows the email the request was routed through.
Editing a request
Selecting the button under the Edit/View Request column lets the user view and edit the request. Doing so will open a new tab and display information regarding the Transfer Course Information, which details the type of request, institution, and course information. The page also lists the Missouri State University Equivalency Information. Finally, it lists the Request History, showing what actions have already been taken regarding the request.
After reviewing the information, scroll to the bottom of the page and under the Update Request section, click the Choose a Status dropdown box and select the appropriate option. Provide any additional information in the text box below, then hit Submit.