Adobe Software License Information


Information on Adobe licensing and how to request Adobe products for university use.


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Submit a request for Adobe software to receive license and purchase information.
  • Missouri State University participates in the Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) buying program with an annual license subscription term that runs August 1 through July 31.

  • Adobe software must be ordered and renewed by the MSU Adobe Licensing Team who submit one collective Banner requisition each month on behalf of all MSU Adobe software requests. Later, Financial Services will transfer funds from your budget to cover the purchase. Orders are submitted on a monthly basis.

  • The MSU Adobe Licensing Team will create a job ticket to track your request and order.

  • All MSU Adobe software orders are tracked by the purchase order (PO) number.

  • Once the vendor and Adobe have processed the purchase order, the MSU Adobe Licensing Team will contact you regarding the software license assignment and installation of the Adobe software.

To request help related to this article, please see our Service Catalog.



Article ID: 99964
Wed 3/4/20 4:10 PM
Fri 10/11/24 4:08 PM

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