Request an LMS Organization or Non-Academic Course Shell


The Learning Management System allows for the creation of non-academic courses and organization sites.

You may request the following types of course shells:

  • A Community organization
    • Examples include university colleges, departments, organizations, and clubs among others.
  • A Course for non-academic, non-credit bearing courses
    • Examples include a shell for the University Exit Exam and the State-Mandated Civics Exam.
  • A Development Course
    • Development courses are used for training and support, and faculty course development.

Requests for academic courses will be denied. All academic courses must be requested by the instructor of record using the Class Dashboard in My Missouri State.


All Missouri State students, faculty, and staff are able to request this service.



There is no charge to request or use this service.

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Service ID: 38699
Mon 9/9/19 9:46 PM
Wed 1/17/24 11:32 AM