How to Integrate Title IX Files into Your Blackboard Course

Many courses at the University require the use of Title IX information and many instructors prefer to have the content in their course even if it is not required. This page will guide you through the process of loading the information into your course, as well as downloading it to your computer if you need to save it or print it out. It is possible to load the content to your course without having to save it to your computer as demonstrated in the section Linking to a Course via the Content Collection.

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Integrate Title IX Files into Your Blackboard Course

Linking to a Course via the Content Collection

  1. Log in to Blackboard and open your course that is using the Title IX content.
  2. In your course menu on the left, click the icon to add a new Content Area.
    Click on the plus sign to add a new content area.
  3. Label it Title IX Content, check the box next to Available to Users, and click Submit.
    Name the content Title IX Content and make it available.
  4. Click the Title IX Content menu item that was just created to bring up the blank content page. You may notice a dotted gray box next to the menu item, that just means you haven't loaded the content yet. 
    Click on the Title IX content link in your course menu.
  5. On your content page, click Build Content and then Item in the drop down menu. 
    build content tab
  6. On the Create Item page, type the name and description you want to provide for the file.
    content information
  7. Scroll down a bit to the Attachments section and click Browse Content Collection.
    attachments options
  8. This will load the Content Collection menu. Click Browse on the left of the top navigation bar. 
    Click on Browse from the action menu in the Content Collection.
  9. In the drop down that appears, click Institution Content.
    Select Institution Content from the drop-down menu.
  10. You will now see the Title IX content that is available for you to add to your course. Click the Names of the folders to navigate to the file you want to use. When you find the file you want, select the check box next to the file name to select the file then click Submit.
    Click on the check box next to Title IX folder
  11. You should now see the file listed under the Attachments section of your course content item. Set your Standard Options settings as you desire, then scroll to the top or bottom of the page and click Submit.
    attached file
  12. Once the content page loads, you should now see your Title IX Content loaded in your content section. 
    Sample Title IX attachment.


Downloading the Files to Your Computer

  1. Log in to Blackboard and access the Content Collection one of the following ways:
    1. from the Content Collection Tab under your name in the top right of the window
    2. from the Content Collection Menu Item under the Course Management section of the course menu
  2. Select the option for Institution Content on the left menu.
    From the Content Collection click on Institution Content.
  3. You will then be able to click on the folder names to access the Title IX content.
    Click on the Title IX folder.
  4. Once you have located the file(s) or folder(s) that you want to download, click Download Package.
    Once the file(s) are selected click on Download Package.

This will then start to download the contents to your computer in a .zip package.


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Article ID: 94829
Fri 12/20/19 11:03 AM
Mon 9/13/21 8:31 AM