How to Create a Calculated Formula Question

Calculated Formula questions requires students to calculate and respond with a numeric answer. Follow the directions below to create the question. 

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create a Calculated Formula Question

  1. On the Control Panel click Course Tools, and then click TestsSurveysand Pools.
    tests, surveys, and pools link
  2. Click Tests.
  3. Click the Contextual Menu on the test you want to edit, and then click Edit.
    Click on the arrow next to the test and select Edit from the menu.
  4. Point to Create Question, and then click Calculated Formula.
    Select Calculated Formula qestion from the list.

  5. In the Question Title box, type a name for your question. (if desired.)
  6. In the Question Text area, type your question. The question text must contain at least one variable. Surround variables with square brackets. Variables are replaced by values when shown to students.Variables can be letters, digits (0-9), periods (.), underscores (_) and hyphens (-). Variables cannot contain the letters "e," "i" and "pi" because they are reserved. Variable names must be unique, and you cannot reuse them. All other occurrences of the opening rectangular bracket ("[") should be preceded by the back-slash ("\").
    question title and text box
  7. Under Answer Formula, type the formula that will give the answer to the question. The formula is the mathematical expression used to find the correct answer. Choose operators from the buttons across the top of the Answer Formula box. In our example, the formula is 4y+3x.
    Please Note:  The formula is not visible to students—it is used by Blackboard to determine the correct answer to the question.
  8. Under Options there are three choices
    1. Answer Range: The range of answers that are awarded full credit. Select whether it is a Numeric range or a Percentage range. If the answer must be exact, type zero for the range.
    2. Allow Partial Credit: Allow partial credit on a less accurate range of answers. Set the Partial Credit Points Percentage to be awarded if the student’s answer is within the partial credit range.
    3. Units Required: The unit of measurement must be provided in the student’s answer. Type the Answer Units and Units Points Percentage to be awarded if the units are entered correctly.
      Define the answer range for the question.
  9. Click Next.
  10. In the Define Variables section, provide the Minimum Value and Maximum Value. When the question is presented to a student, Blackboard replaces the variable with a value randomly selected from the range you defined. Optionally, select a decimal place using the Decimal Places drop-down list. 
    Define the answer variable.
  11. Under Answer Set Options, select Decimal Places for Answers and Number of Answer Sets. This determines the number of possible variations of the question that will be presented to students. You can also specify if the correct answer format is normal or exponential.
    Create the answer set to determine the number of possible variations of the question that will be presented to students.
  12. When you are finished, click Calculate to populate the answer sets.
    calculate button
  13. If you need to edit the answer sets, do so now, and click Calculate below the sets to re-calculate any changes you make.
    Sample answer sets can be edited.
  14. Add feedback for the answers, if desired.
  15. Add question categories, if desired.
  16. Add instructor’s notes, if desired, and then click Submit.


Information in this article was taken from Calculated Formula Questions from Blackboard Help. Refer to it for more information.


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Article ID: 93725
Wed 12/4/19 9:38 AM
Thu 9/16/21 12:39 PM