How to Create a Survey

If you want to create surveys for your course, you can do so in a similar way to how you create tests. Surveys can be useful during the course to engage students further in a topic, or for you to use to assess the course content when the course has finished. There are two steps to creating a new survey: creating the survey and adding the survey questions.

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create a Survey

To create a new survey

  1. Go to the Content Area where you want to add a survey. You could create a separate Surveys content area for this purpose.
  2. Point to Assessments, and then click Survey.
    survey link
  3. On the Create Survey page, click Create.
    create button
  4. In the Name box, type a name for your survey.
  5. In the Description text area, type a description and Instructions for the survey as you desire.
    survey information page
  6. In the Instructions text area, type instructions for your students if needed.
  7. Click Submit.

To add questions to a survey

After clicking Submit, you will notice a page similar to what you see when you add questions to a Test. The Survey Canvas for your specific page is where you will add questions to your survey. There are three ways to add questions to a survey:

  • Create Question: We have an extensive set of documentation on how to create each question available for test and surveys.
  • Find Questions: This option will open the Find Questions window, and you can search for existing questions from older tests and surveys or pools.
  • Upload Questions: If you create questions outside of Blackboard, you can upload them for use in a survey.

We recommend that you use Multiple Choice or Multiple Answer to give students several options they can click; these options will also easily generate statistics. For comments related to a survey, you may want to choose Essay or Short Answer.


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Article ID: 93685
Tue 12/3/19 2:28 PM
Thu 9/16/21 12:49 PM