How to Control Which Grades Students See

There are times when you do not want students to see certain grade columns that you are updating or have not gotten to yet. Or  perhaps you have a particular grade column (other than the default) that you would like to be the grade which appears in a student's My Grades section and elsewhere. That can be controlled with the following information.

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Control Which Grades Students See

External Grade

The External Grade is the column displayed as the students’ grade for your course (in My Grades, their Report Card Module, and elsewhere). You decide which column is set as the external grade. In new courses, the default total column is the default external grade column, and the external grade icon external grade iconappears in the column header.

Please Note:  You cannot delete the default total column until you set another column as the external grade.

To set a column as the External Grade:

  1. Access the contextual menu in the column header for the column you want to set as the external grade column and select Set as External Grade
    Click on the columns contextual menu and select Set as External Grade
  2. The check mark appears in the column header you chose and is removed from the default total column header.
    column header

If you copy or restore a course, the external grade column you chose remains as the external grade column.

Hide a Column

There are two ways to hide a column in the Grade Center. The first uses the Hide from Students (on/off) feature and the second involves editing the column information.

Hide from Students (on/off)
  1. Access the contextual menu in the column header for the column no longer wish the students to be able to see and select Hide from Students (on/off).
    Choose Hide from Studnets in the column's contextual menu
  2. The slashed circle appears in the column header you chose, which means students will no longer be able to see this column.
    A circle with a red slash will appear to indicate it is not visible to students.
  3. Allowing the students to see the column again is as simple as repeating step one, only this time it will remove the hidden restriction.
    grade center column

Edit Column Information
  1. Click the contextual menu of the grade column and choose Edit Column Information.
    edit column information link
  2. Scroll down to section Options and click No for Show this Column to Students.
    Edit column information and choose show this column to students.
  3. Click Submit at the bottom or top of the page.
  4. You will then see the red, slashed circle which means the column is hidden.
    grade center column

Please Note:  This is the only option for hiding an External Grade from students.



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Article ID: 93231
Fri 11/22/19 4:15 PM
Thu 9/16/21 8:09 AM