How to Invite Guests to Your Collaborate Ultra Session

Inviting guests to your Collaborate session is a great way to have guest lecturers or panel members who aren't enrolled in your course.

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Invite Guests to Your Collaborate Ultra Session

  1. Navigate to Collaborate Ultra under Course Tools.
    collaborate ultra link
  2. Locate your session, then click ... to the far right of the name to enter the settings.
    Click on the elipses to the right of your title to open the settings.
  3. Click to Edit Settings.
  4. Confirm that Guest Access is checked and select the role you want Guests to have, then click the two boxes next to the Guest Link to copy the URL.
    Confirm guest access and copy the link to provide to your guest.
  5. Click Save. From here you can copy and paste this Public URL into an email, a course content area, website, etc.


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Article ID: 91935
Tue 11/12/19 12:18 PM
Wed 9/8/21 8:45 AM