Enhancing Communication

This Enhancing Communication documentation will introduce you to the Collaborate web conferencing platform, as well as other features provided in Blackboard Learn for communicating and collaborating with your students. You will learn how to set up and monitor announcements, blogs, journals, and wikis, discussion boards, and emailing through Blackboard.

The videos below are taken from the Blackboard and Collaborate: Enhancing Communication section of the Learning Management System Resources for Faculty organization available on Blackboard. Enhancing Communication is the second of three courses needed to complete the Green Belt Level of the Computer Services Blackboard Black Belt Series. For a more formalized training, feel free to watch these videos within Blackboard and take the corresponding quizzes to complete the Blackboard Black Belt Series training.

For tutorials regarding Blackboard Collaborate, please visit Blackboard Collaborate.


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Article ID: 106272
Tue 4/28/20 8:23 AM
Thu 9/9/21 11:04 AM