How to Set Survey Options

On the Survey Options page, you can modify the Survey availability, due date, and more.

Step-by-Step Guide

How to Set Survey Options

To access the Survey Options, locate a deployed Survey in your course.

  1. Select the drop-down menu to the right of the Survey.
  2. Click Edit Survey Options
    Click the down arrow next to the survey and select Edit the Survey Options.

To set Survey information

  1. In the Name box, verify the name of the survey is correct.
  2. In the Description text area, type a description for the survey if you wish.
  3. Select Yes or No to open the survey in a new window.
    survey information options

To set Survey availability

  1. Under Survey Availability, click Yes or No to Make the Link Available.
  2. Select Yes or No to create a new announcement when this Survey is deployed.
    Select the options for survey availability.
  3. Select to allow Multiple Attempts if you wish. If you select this option, you will also have to select to either Allow Unlimited Attempts or a set Number of Attempts. We don't recommend allowing multiple attempts for surveys, as this could create incorrect survey results.
    multiple attempts options
  4. Select Force Completion if you wish; students will not be able to exit and return to the survey once started. 
  5. Select Set a Timer if you wish and enter the number of minutes for students to complete the Survey; this option is not recommended for completing surveys.
    A time can be set to force students to complete the suvey in a specific time frame.
  6. Set the Display After and Display Until availability if you wish; this option may be useful if you want to create a survey that only is available for a week after a course has ended, for example.
    display after and display until date and time options
  7. Select to set a Password if you wish.
    password settings


To set availability exceptions

  1. Add a User or Group and then set the exceptions you would like to use for that person or Group. If conflicts in rules occur, the most permissive settings for that user or groups of users is granted. For example, students would receive the greatest number of attempts, longest availability time, and so on
    Acceptions can be added to the suvey by user or group.

To set a due date

  1. Next to Due Date, click the check box and select the date and time for the survey to be done. Also choose whether or not to allow students to start the survey after the due date. This option is not required.
    Survey due dates can be set to determine when students can take the survey.

To set survey feedback

  1. Select how you want to show feedback after a student has completed a survey. You can select to show the status of the survey or the student's submitted answers.
    Survey results can be set to provide feedback to students using rules to release information.

To set survey presentation

  1. Select All at Once or One at a Time. Noticed that under One at a Time, you can also select to Prevent Backtracking.
  2. Select if you wish to Randomize survey questions. 

To finish setting survey options

  1. When you have finished setting survey options, review your settings, and then click Submit.

You will have a confirmation message at the top of the screen and should see your survey on the content area.



For more information see about Test and Survey Options visit Blackboard's Help documentation.


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